In addition to its own self-manufactured products, MSI France distributes in France [company name] One Piece Implants specifically engineered for narrow ridges and tight spaces which can be used to restore single crowns and anterior- cemented bridges
One Piece Implants insertion is done quickly in a single stage procedure to ensure a worry-free restoration for the clinician.
Suits a wide range of bone types and bone augmentation procedures.
Suits for narrow ridges and tight places such as maxillary lateral and mandibular incisors.
Versatility: enables the clinician to use the implant for single-tooth, partial-denture and over-denture restorations
Self-tapping with, threads that are designed to provide secure primary fixation
Single thread of 1,2 mm
Range :
The One Piece Implants is available in 3.0 and 3.3 mm diameters and in lengths of 10,11.5,13 and 16mm.
Surface :
The surface roughness and microgeometry of commercially pure titanium grade 5 are achieved by sand blasting. Blasted surfaces demonstrate more bone-to-implant surface contact, compared to machined surfaces. In several clinical studies it has been demonstrated that sand blasted implant have excellent survival rate (between 96,9% to 100%) (2-5)
Sterile class IIb Medical Device.
Manufacturer: [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
For any additional information please carefully read related product instruction for use and labelling.
(1) C M. Stanford. Surface Modification of Biomedical and Dental Implants and the Processes of Inflammation, Wound Healing and Bone Formation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2010;11:354-69.
(2) L. Rasmusson. A 10-year follow-up study of titanium dioxide-blasted implants. Clin Implant Dent RelatRes. 2005;7(1):36-42.
(3) B. Collaert. Immediate functional loading of TiOblast dental implants in full-arch edentulous maxillae: a 3-year prospective study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2008;19(12):1254-60.
(4) Astrand P. Astra Tech and Brånemark system implants: a 5-year prospective study of marginal bone reactions. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2004;15(4):413-20.
(5) Cooper L. A multicenter 12-month evaluation of single-tooth implants restored 3 weeks after 1-stage surgery. IntJ Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2001;16(2):182-92.
One Piece implants are specifically designed for narrow ridges and tight spaces